I had half of a Long Island Cheese Pumpkin left in my fridge, and I needed a recipe. Flipping through one of my Italian cookbooks, I came across a recipe for Gnocchi alla Romana, a recipe I love but is a bit low on nutrition, and thought - hey! I bet I can find a recipe for Gnocchi alla Romana made with winter squash. And find it I did. So I decided to make it for dinner tonight.
Here is the basic recipe that I used, and I didn't make any major changes. My best idea was to involve the kids, which probably would have been even more successful if Tadpole weren't sick. Poor little baby. She keeps getting fevers, and it's starting to worry me.
I cut my pumpkin into thin slices, scooped out the seeds, brushed it with olive oil and popped it into the oven on a baking sheet. Then I went to do our naptime routine, which took longer than I thought, so my pumpkin slices got a little burned and I had to salvage what I could, which turned out to be just enough. In the future, if I were short on time, I would consider either using canned pumpkin or frozen butternut squash chunks which I would then roast. I know my food co-op sometimes has roasted squash in the hot food bar, too, which would be a nice short-cut.
At that point, Turtle woke up, so he helped me. He is a big helper in the kitchen. We put the squash in the blender with some of the milk from the recipe (this type of pumpkin seems to be stringy, so I hesitated to put it in the gnocchi without blending it first), and I let him push the buttons to blend it. Then, following the recipe, we heated the milk, water, salt, and pumpkin in a pot on the stove, gradually added the semolina flour, and whisked until it thickened, which happened almost immediately.
During this process, Turtle put his hand on the stove, and started screaming. I don't think he actually burned himself (if you look at his hand now, you can't tell that he touched anything hot), but I'm guessing it was still hot enough to be painful. He actually said "the stove is hot!" as he was putting his hand down, much too quickly for me to stop him. I hope it's a lesson learned - usually he's really good around the stove and listens to me when I warn him that something is hot.
I found the gnocchi mixture cooked much faster than the recipe claimed, so after only about 5-10 minutes, I pressed it out onto parchment-paper-covered baking sheets and they went into the fridge for about an hour. We pulled them out and then got busy with ... cookie cutters!
Typically, you cut this "dough" into rounds, but I decided to get creative. It really is much like working with playdough for the kids, and I figured it would be fun for them to eat, as well.
Turtle was really into it, so it was really hard to take pictures because I had to keep putting the camera down to help him. He wasn't willing to pause for the photographer. He also started eating the scraps leftover from around the shapes he was cutting out, so I knew he was going to like the finished product.
Two quiche plates full of cars, trains, and animals, ready for butter and parmesan.
Here's the finished dish, with the melted parmesan on top. I didn't take a picture of the adult version I made, but it included a drizzle of brown butter with sauteed sage from our garden, added before they went into the oven. It was delicious. I highly recommend this recipe, especially if served with a side dish of veggies (we had a salad) for a more well-rounded meal!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Friday Photos - our daily lives
Here are some photos of our fun week!
Having lunch on the patio at the co-op.
Say cheese! Visiting PetCo, one of our favorite shops in town.
Tadpole talks to the fishies at High Hand Nursery in Loomis.
Hanging out on this cool bench at the Davis train station.
Climbing on rocks at the train station.
Playing with their lovies in our backyard.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Summer Garden!
Here's the diagram, and then I'll list the varieties with the photos below:
Top left, we have spinach (I forget the variety), peas (Progress No. 9), carrots (rainbow blend), two types of green beans (yard-long pole beans and blue lake bush beans), Beit Alpha Persian cucumber and spicy basil. The spinach will be done soon, and then I plan to put a Juliet tomato there.
Top right is the tomato bed - last year it was top left, but I'm trying to rotate it among the two top beds, which get more sun that the two bottom ones due to neighboring trees. Here are the heirloom varieties I'm trying this year: Evan's Purple Pear, Indigo Apple, Brad's Black Heart, Costoluto Genovese, Golden Jubilee, Porkchop, Heirloom Pineapple, Lush Queen, Sun Gold (not an heirloom), and Yellow Pear. I've got three cherry varieties this year because they were such a big hit with the kids last year. I couldn't find romas (!!!) for canning, so I've got 15 Healthkick and 9 Phoenix.
Bottom right, we still have a row of leeks from last summer, but they'll be coming out soon! Then we have 18 red Better Belle II pepper plants. In the center of this bed, a grey zucchini, one of my favorite varieties that you generally can't find at the grocery store or farmer's market. I'll buy green and yellow ones from the market rather than growing them. I planted two eggplants this year - should be just enough for eggplant parmesan, one of the few dishes I make with eggplant. I picked the typical black beauty variety, plus one called Traviata. If I find a rosa bianca variety, I may add another one, but I'm running out of space ... Up in the corner, we have sweet basil, perfect for pesto.
In the middle, I have a small round bed with four poles that form a teepee. I've planted the same yard-long pole beans at the base of each, with the plan to train the vines on strings that I'll tie horizontally to make "walls", leaving one side open for a door, so the kids can go hide in there. At the moment, though, I've got lettuce growing in the middle and French breakfast radishes and two types of carrots growing around the edges.
And last, the lower left bed. This one is a bit of a pain. It has poor drainage, is in the lowest part of the garden, and gets the least afternoon sun, so it tends to stay damp, especially in the lower left corner of that bed. The current tentative plan is to try growing some strawberries there (I know it's not an ideal location, but the kids picked them out, so I'm willing to give it a shot) and maybe some other less sun-friendly plants (heat-resistant lettuce?). And on one side, I'd like to put in a sandbox for the kids. Which will either be a lot of work, a lot of money, or both. But it would have been SO helpful while I was busy doing all that digging and planting and watering. I think it would still be useful as I keep caring for the garden with weeding, watering, and eventually harvesting, so I still hope to do it, and sooner rather than later (it's still more than 2 months until their birthday, so I don't know if it would be a birthday gift). I may start trying to dig it out today!
Happy gardening!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Twin bilingualism
We are a multilingual family. My husband is a native of Italy, and I am a native of California, and both of us speak English, Italian, and a good deal of French. There are also two dialects in my husband's hometown, one of which he understands well (the Occitan language), and the other he understands perfectly and can also speak (the Piedmontese language). I can understand bits of Piemontese, too, since it sounds like a mix of French and Italian, and can pick up a word or to of Occitan, but very little.
We speak English to each other, primarily because when we met I was not fluent in Italian and we've always lived in the US. When the kids were getting close to speaking age, we were in Italy and I had become pretty fluent, so I got accustomed to speaking to them in Italian. After seeing so many of our other bilingual friends' children refuse to speak their second language as they grew older, we decided we would try to only speak Italian with our kids. And so far it's been a great success. So great that they barely speak English at all, which is a totally unintended consequence of our actions.
I assumed that the moment they started preschool, they would be immersed in English and soon thereafter would start speaking English as their primary language outside the home. I didn't take into account that, in addition to our many Italian-speaking friends, they also have each other to speak to constantly, even at school. So they've been going to preschool 2-4 days per week since last July (not to mention weekly gymnastics class and playgroups) and are only now starting to speak some English. Now, as in, last week.
It's pretty cool, hearing English phrases spontaneously pop out of their mouths. And it's tempting, to me, to switch to speaking English with them. I am fluent in Italian, but I do not speak like a native and my grammar is not anywhere near perfect. I can't formulate really complex sentences, and my vocabulary is not bad, but it's very limited. I know that my time speaking Italian with them is limited, and I am torn between wanting to be able to express myself better and teach them my own native language, and trying to preserve their Italian as long as possible, in the hopes it won't be lost. I think we're lucky that with them being twins, they'll definitely maintain their Italian better than the other kids I've seen, since for the moment they still speak it with each other. It's been an interesting experiment, and I hope we've done right by them. I'm looking forward to seeing how they grow and learn even more.
Friday, April 12, 2013
(not so) still life
Since I have been lacking in posting, I want to try to catch up with some photos of life in general lately. These give a pretty good snapshot of our family life.
This is the park near our house, which was recently damaged in a big windstorm, unfortunately. It lost a huge shade tree, which I assume is what fell on the playground and damaged it. The kids have loved climbing through this tunnel since they were really little.
This is a different day, walking to the same park. Tadpole has her favorite stuffed money snuggled under a blanket in her push-cart.
This photo is the train tracks behind our local food co-op, where we do the majority of our food shopping. The kids were totally fascinated by this machinery that was (and still is, I think) sitting on the tracks.
Sitting at the counter eating store-baked cookies at the co-op. Yum.
The co-op has an awesome kids area with books and refillable washable markers for coloring, along with educational worksheets to color. My kids have always loved this area, and it's a great place for them to hang out while I'm waiting in line or paying.
And there are three places that really define our daily lives here, places that make me happy and feel very much a part of our community. Other places include the library, our Farmer's Market, our local baby shop (which my kids are quickly growing out of), our hardware and garden stores, and in the summer, our public pools. Not to mention several other nearby playgrounds. Our town is a really great place to raise kids, and I love living here. I try to appreciate what we have here every day, and I feel blessed.
This is the park near our house, which was recently damaged in a big windstorm, unfortunately. It lost a huge shade tree, which I assume is what fell on the playground and damaged it. The kids have loved climbing through this tunnel since they were really little.
Here they are on the slide, along with a good friend we hang out with a lot. My two are wearing fleece hats that I made for them!
This is a different day, walking to the same park. Tadpole has her favorite stuffed money snuggled under a blanket in her push-cart.
This photo is the train tracks behind our local food co-op, where we do the majority of our food shopping. The kids were totally fascinated by this machinery that was (and still is, I think) sitting on the tracks.
Sitting at the counter eating store-baked cookies at the co-op. Yum.
The co-op has an awesome kids area with books and refillable washable markers for coloring, along with educational worksheets to color. My kids have always loved this area, and it's a great place for them to hang out while I'm waiting in line or paying.
Another picture taken at the co-op, this time outside on the patio. They now carry local Straus creamery soft-serve ice cream! Unfortunately, the only flavor available that day was chocolate, and since brown is not either yellow or pink (the color requirements for my kids for ice cream), we went inside to pick some single servings from the freezer. We often eat lunch here, and usually sit outside on the patio. I grab this table whenever I can, since the kids are fascinated by the vegetable mosaic. On this particular day, we rode our bikes, and Tadpole is so attached to her new bike helmet that she doesn't like to take it off once she's put it on for the day.
This is another picture that represents a great memory for me of my children's childhood. On weekend mornings, we often leave the house early, before Papi gets up, and go downtown to have a bagel at our local bagel place, Posh bagels. We bring some toys, and the kids are usually happy to munch and play for a long time. They love bagels - I usually get whole wheat with plain cream cheese. I really enjoy these quiet early mornings with my two favorite munchkins. In the summer, we sometimes take our bagels out to one of the nearby fountains or plazas to enjoy the morning sunshine.
And there are three places that really define our daily lives here, places that make me happy and feel very much a part of our community. Other places include the library, our Farmer's Market, our local baby shop (which my kids are quickly growing out of), our hardware and garden stores, and in the summer, our public pools. Not to mention several other nearby playgrounds. Our town is a really great place to raise kids, and I love living here. I try to appreciate what we have here every day, and I feel blessed.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Nut Tree!!!!
I find myself not posting because I have too much to say. And when I try, my posts get too long. So I'm just going to jump in as if I never left, and start with a post about the really fun day we had on Tuesday at the Nut Tree in Vacaville with my mom. Because it was really, really fun. We started with a lunch of pasta, which was honestly not that great, but then the kids noticed the big play area, and boy, did the fun start then!
As always, Tadpole's favorite thing ever was the carousel. We have many carousels in our area that have multiple animals, but both kids always want to ride the horses. How do they know that's the traditional carousel animal? I have no idea. Since there were not two horses near each other, and I was the only adult to ride with them, I talked Tadpole into riding a frog instead, which was easy since she LOVES frogs. Why? I have no idea.
As always, Tadpole's favorite thing ever was the carousel. We have many carousels in our area that have multiple animals, but both kids always want to ride the horses. How do they know that's the traditional carousel animal? I have no idea. Since there were not two horses near each other, and I was the only adult to ride with them, I talked Tadpole into riding a frog instead, which was easy since she LOVES frogs. Why? I have no idea.
Next was the train. It was what caught the attention of the kids first, but it runs every fifteen minutes, so we had a bit of a wait until the next trip, which is why we did the carousel first. While Tadpole could ride the carousel all day, Turtle would rather spend the whole day on the train. Preferably in a red car, since red is his favorite color. Which is a bit of a pain in life in general, since boy stuff is always blue, but we do our best. Here is Turtle, SUPER excited about the train ride.

After all the fun, we had to end with a trip to Fenton's for ice cream. They really have THE best ice cream and toppings in our area, so delicious. And huge. Turtle is eating a child's sundae in the photo below. He LOVES ice cream. He loves sweets in general. Tadpole was cranky and insisted she didn't want ice cream, then changed her mind when she saw Turtle's sundae, and he very sweetly offered her some of his, which surprised me. He's normally pretty possessive of his desserts. He always gets "yellow" ice cream, and Tadpole always gets "pink". They care more about the color than the flavor.
And that was our fun trip to the Nut Tree.
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