Hi! My name is Stacey, and I live in Davis, California. I'm married to a handsome, witty Italian guy. Together we have beautiful twin children, who I refer to as Turtle and Tadpole, and they were born in summer 2010. I like to bake bread, work in my garden, cook up seasonal food, do some crafty things (I mostly dabble), and I love getting outside to run, bike, swim, hike, ski, walk, camp, and just enjoy nature. I like a good glass of wine every now and then, too, and I like coffee more than is good for me, so I am trying to give it up.
I write a lot, and I am not concise. I like to think of myself as an organized person, but I struggle against chaos in my house and in my life on a daily basis. I am self-conscious, but not very vain, and I am quite lazy about my own upkeep. I am one of the lowest-maintenance people I know, but perhaps I am also flattering myself.
This blog has transformed many times over the years, and in February of 2012, after a 2-year hiatus of pregnancy and raising twins, I hope to start again chronicling my daily or at least weekly life.