Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A change in seasons

It's a cold windy day, and the children are gradually settling themselves for their afternoon naps. Turtle is fighting it, but he's slowing down, giving in, resting his tired head against the mattress. A stillness is beginning to fill the house, a quiet, a peace that isn't here when they are awake and loud and rowdy and playing. At their age, they don't appreciate the quiet times yet.

My list of chores stretches before me, but I needed to take a moment to set down my thoughts, to relax, to think. Perhaps to meditate a bit. To go over my short-term goals in my head, while wondering when I will have time to get to my long-term goals.

It's the end of February, in fact, tomorrow is Leap Day. We've had a mild winter, but I still anticipate the coming of spring, if only for the longer days and warmer nights. Goodness knows we need rain, and we need it desperately. And if we get it, we can invent indoor activities, and go puddle jumping, and snuggle and read books. And soon, we'll be in short sleeves and sandals, swimming in our pool, going for walks, playing with water and sand, and enjoying afternoons of sunshine.

In a few short months, we'll be planting vegetables, cooking fresh peas, and eating strawberries with whipped cream. We'll have lunch and dinner parties on the patio, trips to the park and the splash pad, go hiking with friends.

And in the meantime, we'll make soup and light fires in the fireplace and watch movies and curl up on the couch with a good book. I'm enjoying the winter, but really looking forward to spring!

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